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The Transformative Journey of Practicing Watercolor: Cultivating Growth Through Dedication

encouragement practice Oct 20, 2023

Today, let's explore the power of practice and how consistent effort can truly help your growth as an artist. We often marvel at the talent of accomplished artists, but it's important to remember that their mastery was not achieved overnight. It was through countless hours of intentional practice that they honed their skills. So, let’s dive into the significance of practice and how it can propel your artistic journey forward.

Embrace the Journey, Not Just the Destination
When it comes to the world of watercolor art, it's crucial to shift your focus from the final result to the process itself. We’ve all heard of the “ugly” stage of painting and this goes on from the beginning of a painting to almost the end.  Just know that every brushstroke, every moment of experimentation, and each painting you create is an opportunity for growth. Embrace the journey of practice, and relish the learning experiences it offers. Celebrate the progress you make in each session, regardless of the final outcome. Remember, it's the cumulative effect of consistent practice that leads to remarkable improvement.

Making Practice a Habit
To truly reap the benefits of intentional practice, make it an integral part of your artistic routine. I still have to make this a consistent practice, and it’s also why I’m starting a membership program.  I know how difficult it can be to have a daily or regular artistic practice routine.  Dedicate specific time in your schedule for deliberate practice. Whether it's a daily ritual or a weekly commitment, establishing a consistent practice routine will yield significant results. Treat it as a non-negotiable appointment with your artistry, and you'll quickly witness the transformation take place.

Setting Specific Goals
Practice becomes more joyful and effective when you have clear goals in mind. When you define your why with any goal, you connect with the reason it drives you.  Define what you want to achieve with each practice session.  It could be mastering a particular technique, exploring a new subject, or experimenting with color combinations.  By setting specific goals, you give direction to your practice and create a sense of purpose.  Remember to challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone, and push your boundaries with each painting practice. That's where true growth happens.

Embracing the Learning Process
Practice is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your skills. Embrace the learning process, even in the face of challenges and mistakes. Approach each practice session with a growth mindset, viewing setbacks as valuable lessons rather than failures. There are no failures when you don’t quit.  It’s all a work in progress.  Analyze your work objectively, identify areas for improvement, and seek guidance from fellow artists or resources that can help you overcome obstacles. Remember, every brushstroke is an opportunity to learn about yourself and techniques.  All towards the goal of becoming better.

Documenting Your Progress:
It is important to keep a record of your progress as you embark on your practice journey. Not only would I recommend maintaining a sketchbook or a journal to document your experiments, I would also advise you to share your works and progress on social media.  Not only will you inspire others but you’ll also be able to observe and reflect on your own journey as time goes by. You'll be able to see how far you've come and gain insights into your growth as an artist while sharing the journey with others online. Celebrate the milestones, no matter how small, and use them as a source of motivation to keep pushing forward.

Regular and consistent intentional practice serves as the foundation upon which artistic growth is built. Embrace the journey, make practice a consistent habit, set specific goals, and embrace the learning process. Remember, growth takes time, dedication, and patience. With each practice session, you are one step closer to reaching new heights of artistic mastery. Embrace the power of practice and let it guide you on a path of continuous improvement and self-discovery.

Keep practicing, keep growing, and unlock the limitless potential within you.


With artistic warmth,

Zarah McIntosh


All photos on this blog are from royalty free sites like Unsplash, Pixel, and Pixabay.

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