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Imagine a Kayaking Summer!

imagine the wish fulfilled kayaking lake manifesting desires summer Jun 15, 2022
Summer Kayaking Lake

I'm excited.  Practicing manifesting through the wish fulfilled and BAM!  Kayaking for the summer after seeing this absolutely GORGEOUS lake, stocked with fish. WEE HEE!!  

After imagining and acting from the version of me that is making twice as much money in half the time, I bought the Lifetime Tamarack Pro fishing kayak.  It was a no brainer.  I want this kayak and I want to do vodcasts and vlogs from the lake.  I mean, can you imagine?  Wouldn't that just be AWESOME?!? Even the kayak brand and model that magically came up was a no brainer, mainly because it has places to have GoPros :) Of course #priorities. 

I was imagining doing my podcasts on the lake, just easing into the flow of basking in the peace and quiet and yumminess of floating. Ahhh... the coolness of the water, the heat of the sun.. possibly fishing but that's not really my priority.  Although it would certainly make for great content, I'd really just rather chill and enjoy the day for a couple of hours every so often and chat about life with my friends on the interwebs.

One thing I'd like to do well is getting in and out of the kayak after paddling out into the lake.  I want to get into the water after kayaking out, but I'm a little worried about getting back into the boat.  Ha ha ha.. I'll need to imagine a nice and easy way be in and out of the kayak while in the middle of the lake.  In fact, I had felt a better body with a flat stomach the morning after buying the kayak.  It was really interesting because I didn't initiate it, and it got me even more excited about my future. Another cool thing, Honey also got a kayak and it's an awesome pedal kayak, even more perfect for him.

So, I keep up the practice of being and thinking from the wish fulfilled. How would it feel being already in that state.  I think, I am a woman that... (who would you like to be?) gets in and out of a kayak easily and that I (as that woman) do things this way or that way, eat this way or that way, feel this way or that way, etc.  I am being the person I want to be, NOW.

Getting in and out of the kayak should be fun.  Can you imagine all the awkwardness, the struggle, the fun in trying to get back into the boat?  All the laughing? Kind'f makes me think of doing anything new as something to be that fun.  All the "fails", the struggle.. it's really about all the fun in the journey.  No, it's never going to be perfect, especially for the first time or the next, and the next.. but oh, the fun in the journey.

I think that's the ticket.  I'll just imagine a KAYAKING SUMMER when doing anything new.  The fun and adventure of it all, in the process of becoming.  All the good bits is what is important and what I want more of in my life anyway so why not start imagining the good bits now (that's how everything is created anyway).  It's just a logical win, win.

That's where the real money is.  I think remembering all the good bits is what makes a good life.  That's the priceless stuff, the gold in the experience of life and I'm bringing those things in now before the desired experience is real, and then I'll still be doing it during the real experience, and definitely reminiscing about all the good things after the experience.  I think that's how truly great lives are made, from within.

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